Every year around this time (near the end of June), our friends and local sheep farmers move their flock up to the high pastures of Corsavy for summer grazing. It is family business; the girls Orphée and Siska are the shepherdesses, their mother makes the cheese (delicious), and their father, Antoine, is our Mayor and manages the farm. They have teamed up with the couple who run the Gite de Batere and turned this into a very popular, well managed and fun event.
Everyone congregated at 9am for coffee and pastries provided, meet the crew, and sheep (who were having a snooze) and we got a little info on what to do and what not to do during the walk up. There was jolly live music and everyone was excited to get going.
Once briefed, the sheep were let out of their holding pen, following Antione; Orphée stayed with the flock and Siska was following behind with her collie.
The walk takes about 2 hours and all ages were out enjoying the walk. Anyone struggling can ride in one of the cars following behind.
Once the sheep had reached the high pastures and were happily grazing, we were served more drinks and nibbles, more live music and were spoilt by the breathtaking views of the Vallespir. Siska gave answers to the quiz and everyone just relaxed in the sun.

Lastly, we had a short walk downhill to the Gite de Batere, and were served a tasty lunch with sheep’s cheese salad, lamb stew, and a sheep’s cheese yogurt dessert, while the kids splashed about in the hot tub. A perfect day!
We will happily take any guests staying in our accommodation @ La Taillede with us next year; but it gets booked out so don’t leave it too late!
Merci à l’équipe du Gite de Batere et Gaec La Casette d’avoir organisé une journée fantastique!